Monday 23 June 2014

Searching For My Hood

 I once heard someone saying disability is not inability. Occasionally, this phrase is being used in different context depending on the preference one has. Literary,when one talked of disability our mind rush to specific assumption of those who are living with paralytic diseases. What next? What about individual living with semi-paralytic condition? Are they also categorized under those living with disability?  Though, our legal line is not clear on that, the fact still hold it that semi paralytic individuals have been sidelined by the constitution.

   The assumptions that we have on those who are living under this state need to be extended to family domain. What do I mean? Perhaps it non substantial to begin from experience I had last week. Considering the discussion on gender balance and so call women empowerment, arguably, the agitation should now be cited on men living with semi paralytic condition. Generally, am not trying to defend men’s hood but I really put my point on short sighted public, who frequently ignore the interest of this people.

Traditionally, men were the head of the family owing to their fate. Whether able or not able they were supposed to be treated with humane and dignity. Currently, these values have swept away by the so called western civilization and gender peer influence. A fraction of women nowadays have the gut to confront their husbands and end their in misery. Although, the blame is not to point at women alone it must have universality. This mean woman as well men have to be blamed.

 Over the years cases of women harassment have been reported to the police but some remain uncharged due the rigidity of our law. Ac-countably, two out of hundred cases have been charged but the rest remains unsettled. Actually that was not my core theme, to bring you back to my context, people living with semi paralytic conditions have been marginalized. Who should be countable for all this?


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