Tuesday, 15 July 2014


                 Scholars over the dozen of years have argued that the best and effective way to support capacity building is through counseling and mentor-ship.  This has been seen as the lateral way TO GO ABOUT IT , though, the power of THE TWO  seems to be individual oriented at least there has to be exchange program for all who are in involved. Thereafter , a quorum and realization of ones status is paradoxical.  So ,the best way to check whether they are equally shared is through interpersonal approach.

we speak what we want without discrimination nor disclosing it out to other rumor mongers .

Tuesday, 8 July 2014


         This is one of the scary disease that women don't want to associate themselves. Having being identified as women entry point, there are numerous questions which pounds around our mind. How does it happen? is there anything i can do to escape it? what are symptoms? how does society perceive it?perhaps these are the only loophole that could be used to explain it.
According to the statement released by the UNICEF article suggested that fistula , concurrently inhibit itself in two critical organs that is: skin and vagina . Though ,it is painless it can cause agony to the victims. But still there is hope of treatment courtesy of Kenya National Hospital.

depressed woman